Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting Ready for Denver!

According to news reports Denver Is getting ready for us, and I'm getting ready for Denver! I have been inundated with invitations and "opportunities", so I have had to pick and choose. My son Joe advised me to choose only those that said "open bar"!

I have volunteered to be a National Education Association delegate. The NEA, with over 200 delegates, will be one of the largest unions represented in Denver. I will attend a luncheon on Monday and possibly do a radio interview. I have also agreed to be a "whip" for NARAL Pro-Choice America and will be handing out information at our delegate breakfast on Monday morning. Tuesday I'm looking forward to an Emily's List reception hosted by Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton. Cool!! Wednesday is "Volunteer Day" organized by Michelle Obama. Delegates will be volunteering around the Denver area. I have signed up to help with Meals on Wheels.

Those are my main events. I have been invited to other smaller parties and receptions, and will report on those when I get to Denver, as well as any exciting events like riding in an elevator with Joe Biden :) and, of course, being on the convention floor each night!!!


Kelly Sime said...

you're going to be a busy lady!

Unknown said...

Hi Jan,

I am exicited for you and looking forward to sharing in this historic event with "A Soldier's Mama for Obama".
Your son is probably as proud of you as you are of him.


angel said...

hey jan.
good luck.
travel safe.