Then I boarded a bus and traveled to the Project Cure warehouse for our Delegate Service Day. Our delegation could choose between Meals on Wheels or Project Cure. Project Cure was started in 1987 in Evergreen, Colorado by businessman Jim Jackson, after a trip to Brazil where he witnessed incredible poverty and lack of basic medical supplies. In our land of plenty (could I say excess and greed?) we throw away ridiculous amounts of everything including perfectly good medical supplies. Jackson started collecting those supplies, everything from scalpels to x-ray machines, and now ships them to 120 countries . The theme of the Democratic Convention this year is change, and Project Cure is about changing access to medical sup
plies around the world.
Our Kansas Delegation packed 40 large boxes for shipment to medical clinics in Iraq. Joe said when he went back to Iraq he was going to be supervising the rebuilding of schools and hospitals. Maybe in a small way through efforts like this. the United States can be seen as healing rather than hurting.
The Convention floor---Wednesday August 28, 2008--the culmination of everyone's hopes and dreams for Barack Obama. I can't even believe I am present to hear the words, "The state of Kansas casts 6 votes for Senator Hillary Clinton, and 35 votes for Barack Obama, The future President of the Unite
d States!!!!!!!" And I signed my name for one of the votes!!!!
As the alphabetical roll call of states progressed several states "passed" (California and Illinois). This was to allow the state of New York, with Hillary Clinton announcing, to provide the tipping point for Obama to receive the nomination! At that point the roll call stopped and Nancy Pelosi announced Barack Obama as the 2008 Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party!!!!! Pandemonium broke out, people were crying and hugging. They played "Get on the Love Train" and everyone held hands above their heads and sang--very corny--but POWERFUL!!!! In the words of Lily's Purple Plastic Purse, all I can say is WOW!!!!!
The rest of the evening just got better and better!!!!!! President Clinton got a five minute standing ovation and was, as he can be, eloquent and inspiring!
He told us "The world is more impressed by the power of our example, than it is by the example of our power!!"
Then Joe Biden--he is TOTALLY wonderful,--- his speech, and then that perfectly adorable family and darling grandchildren--the Republicans will have to pull off the second coming to top this!
And then out came Barack---looking Presidential as usual--what a wonderful surprise!
OBAMA BIDEN 2008!!!!!!!
Tomorrow--Invesco Field!!!
you're the first thing
i read every morning jan!
It's fascinating to get your insight on the Convention! We feel that we are participating in an important event of our nation's history, thanks to you being there in person.
Keep up the good work, Jan! It looks like you may need a vacation after the Convention!
Marie and Larry
I'm the opposite of Angel--you're the last thing I read before I go to bed at night. :) Thanks for the updates! It's been cool to watch/hear the speeches this week and to know that I have a friend who is actually there!
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